Please see below for a few examples of merchants who have promote their App and/or Email Club on their Clipper Magazine ads
Category: Mobile Apps
If a merchant is questioning if their TLS Mobile App is ADA compliant, please use the verbiage below to answer. To meet government accessibility requirements, modern digital devices must include…
If a merchant or customer contacts you regarding issues they are having with their App, and you need to gather more specific information from them (like the information on their…
There are three different templates to choose from. General, 30 Day, and Expired. If Apple has pulled the App due to non-compliance, please use the Expired template. If Apple has…
Since Apple has tightened up their guidelines for Apps allowed into the App store, TLS has also passed along some minimum content requirements for our merchants wishing to have a…
Widgets: Does NOT require a resubmission if/when updated but must be uploaded into CMS per URL or Module in Module Settings wherever applicable and requires a Force Build. 367x136px (should…
Not receiving pushes? ASK THESE QUESTIONS: Are they positive they have notifications enabled? Is this problem across the board on all devices or just a few people that have come…
There has been a recent update in the CMS that now allows the option to upload an iPhone X sized home screen for our merchants. If you have a merchant…
Here is an easy way to start getting downloads through your Facebook page! Once you are logged into your business’ Facebook page with administrator privileges, Click Add a Button or…
When we have a new version released, we need to send out this push message on behalf of our merchants once it goes live with the new release. PUSH VERBIAGE:…