Home Screen Buttons

On occasion, we will have merchant request home screen buttons. If/when this occurs, Chuck will accomplish this by adding a string of HTML coding into a field in the App Settings module in CMS. Because this coding can be done multiple ways, it is imperative that we let Chuck take care of any updates and do not try to update them on our own. This means that anytime your merchant has a change to any of their URL’s in the URL module, you will need to ask Chuck to confirm that the Home Screen buttons are “calling” the URL’s in the URL module correctly.

NOTE: The below does not always just apply to URL changes. Sometimes the home screen buttons are linking to other modules in the App like Menu, Rewards, Coupons, Specials, etc. A good rule of thumb is to just be aware of the specific home screen buttons that your merchant has so that if/when you are making changes to those specific modules, you can get Chuck to double check them. It is important that Chuck be the one to confirm the updates as they need to be confirmed on BOTH Android and iOS devices as both platforms can render updates differently.

Also, please NEVER attempt to make updates to the string of HTML coding in home screen field within the App Settings module. Please always leave that to Chuck.

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