CMS Navigation (Work in Progress)




MENU MOD IS LINKED TO THE SPECIALS MOD: At the bottom of the menu module screen, you can tap and navigate to the specials module and vice versa.


Time: The message will be sent from our servers (EST) so if you want something to go out at 9am CST, schedule it for 10am EST. If you want something to go out at 9am PST, schedule it for 11am EST.


SORT ORDER: Anytime you add a new punch card or make changes, you need to reorder the punch cards and save, twice, to get the new card/changes to be seen.


SPECIALS ARE LINKED TO MENU MODULE: At the bottom of the specials module screen, you can tap and navigate to the Menu module and vice versa.

Do not use this field. If/when entered, depending on different versions of the App, it will either not show up at all, or will show up blown out/wonky.

If/when you are trying to link our an email address within the text, you need to set it to open in a “target” window. If not, the system will try to look for a default email program on the device, and if the user doesn’t have one, they will get an error.


LOGO IMAGE: If you see any red dots next to the logo images or any images in the coupons this is simply an indicator that our license with your image provider is expired. It is their version of a “watermark”. We looked into renewing our license but it was too expensive to justify so we are dealing with the red dots.


Events will only show 60 days into the future

Cannot include spaces or special characters in file names. Must be SQUARE.

Here’s the process to rename a file with a space if you find one:

To accomplish this  “rename”,  you must view the image from the Files module in the CMS
Go in “files” from the CMS sidebar on the left
Mouse over all images and find any that have a space. 
Right click on the image and “ Save Image As” .   This downloads the exact image (with original file size).
Save to your desktop and locate on your desktop.
You should be able to right click on the image now and rename to anything you wish.
Upload new named file back into the file manager and choose that new named file from the module where it is used.  (gallery or specials most often)
Delete the other badly named file from the file manager!

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