We have come across one small “flaw” in the new 3.61 release. It is nothing that should cause any issues, I simply wanted to keep everyone informed and aware so…
Category: Mobile Apps
If an iOS device is on any version under iOS 11 trying to open an App that is on 3.61, the user will experience an “App Crash”. The device will…
Below are a few “best practice” type of things for maintenance coaches to look out for when updating an App while auditing it.
Need images for an email blast or to place in the App? These are two great sites that have copyright free images we can use! https://pixabay.com/ https://www.freepik.com/ PLEASE NOTE THE…
All, There was an identified issue with special characters in the latest 3.5 release. Please see the attached document to help troubleshoot and fix the problem if it happens in one…
Q – I’ve replaced an app home screen but the new home screen won’t show up or the home screen shows as grey? Answer – Adding any special characters or…
Q – I’ve created events and they will not show up in the App?? Answer – The editor only shows events 60 day in advance. Please make sure the events added…
Super Bowl and Team Names are Trademarked. Use these guidelines for reference.
Instructions for How to By-Pass the Device Blocks when installing the test versions of the App are found in the PDF document links below. There is one for Androids and one…